Friday, October 28, 2016

CONTEST! Free Stuff!

CONTEST! Free Stuff!

Writer's Digest is offering its 25th Dear Lucky Agent Contest. The prize includes a critique by the agent judge, Alec Shane from Writer's House and two free Writer's Market books. Links below:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

What does Donald Trump has in Common with The Babadook?

More than you think...

The Babadook's stiffness comes from his unfamiliarity with existing in a body. He spends most of the movie "The Babadook" as an idea and a collection of ignored emotions. Trump's awkwardness seems to come from having too much body to know what to do with.

Mister Babadook loves to lurk in the shadows, revealing a little more of himself each time to his victim.

Mr. Trump prefers to be in full view—on camera, behind a podium or on Twitter—both day and night. However, when he finds he must let someone else speak, Donald’s skulking behavior comes out, most famously at the second presidential debate.


It goes without saying that the Babadook is frightening, stalking the characters Amelia and her son Samuel over the course of several nights in the film’s third act. Before his campaign for the presidency, most people probably didn’t know enough about Donald Trump to be terrified of him. A little creeped out, maybe. That is, if they watched Entertainment Tonight’s 1992 Christmas Special.

Early in September, Trump campaigned
in Flint, MI. There he met and startled 9-
year-old Amariyanna Copeny, who raises
awareness of her town’s continuing water
problems as “Little Miss Flint.”

Here’s a link to other children who cringed
or pulled away as Trump’s looming, dark
figure drew near:

The evil spirit of the Babadook, grown strong on  repressed guilt and fear, creates a children's book that is also an autobiography. The film also suggests Amelia, a writer, may have crafted the book herself, out of a hidden desire to hurt her child. B-a-b-a-d-o-o-k is also an anagram for A Bad Book.

Donald Trump set the tone for his campaign with a book of his own, Crippled America.
However, Trump's Art of the Deal may be more revealing:

You tell people what they want to hear, you
play to their fantasies. Then you close the deal.

Are Trump and Babadook kindred spirits? Distant relatives? Could it be they are one-in-same? From their ability to possess others, either directly or speaking at a political rally, to inspiring violence, to their self-centeredness and tantrums--it is not out of the question to believe the Babadook has cast off his long-fingered gloves and top hat for a tailored suit and an American flag pin. The mystery of Trump-a-dook lives on...

Sunday, October 16, 2016

CONTEST! Free Stuff!

Writer's Digest is offering its 25th Dear Lucky Agent Contest. The prize includes a critique by the agent judge, Alec Shane from Writer's House and two free Writer's Market books. Links below: